April 7, 2021 9:00 am
More videos

Time for a little update: We’ve been super busy the last few months prepping for our move to Amsterdam. Our landlords in Toronto decided to sell their house, in which our apartment was, so we had to leave this gem and saw no reason to stay in Toronto anymore. So we’re heading back to Europe and going to make Amsterdam our new home! Not the best timing with the pandemic, so there will be many extra steps. But we’re excited to start a new chapter in the Netherlands and to be back in Europe again soon! We also included an overview/checklist of all the steps you need to take/consider when making a move abroad. Next up will be our moving vlog – stay tuned! Thanks for watching! Love, Alexis and Lilian https://www.instagram.com/one99fourā€‹ https://www.instagram.com/liliangessnerā€‹