Oh queer slang! Gotta love it. Here are some lesbian slang terms and what they mean, in honour of Pride – which wasn’t quite as cheerful as usual this year. From the classic u-hauling to beaver damming, which of these do you know and which ones do you know that we missed?
First dates are excited but also nerve-racking! Having had their fair share of first dates behind them, Alexis and Lilian share some tips and ideas on how to make this first date a good one!
Alexis and Lilian – 6 Insights from Queer Sex
[ratings]Some straight people seem to be confused how lesbian & bisexual women have sex, but studies suggest that queer women seem to be having better sex, on average – so Alexis and Lilian thought they’d unpack some insights and lessons from the way two women have sex!
Advice for newly out lesbian and bisexual women – how do you navigate the queer world, how do you meet other lesbians/queer women, what is the dating etiquette like? We share some tips and stories from our early rookie days in the LGBTQ community to shed some light on the mystery!
Lesbian/queer dating can be fun but is has its traps – here we discuss the 9 biggest lesbian dating mistakes, based on our own or other people’s experiences. Falling for a straight girl, your best friend, accidentally getting involved with a friend’s ex, being asked to join a threesome… Any of these sound familiar?