Orange Juice in Bishop’s Garden: The Summer of 1995

From: 2020ProductionsDC

It's the summer of 1995 and the heart of teenage experience lies with Orange Juice in Bishop's Garden. It's the upheaval of summer where gossip and rumors abound, friendships will be tested, and teenage raucousness will rage on. Most importantly, this is the summer of where an unexpected romance between two teen girls, Sarah and Gwen, begins to blossom.

These are their days of youth, full of honest beginnings, where everything in life is insatiably tried for the first time. They will delight in new experiences, not thinking of consequences or that certain episodes of their lives will be irreparable, unchangeable. "Do you like me? Yes or no." Love will at times seem simple, other times, awkward, full of anxiety, complicated beyond comprehension. But it is unimaginable to them that time could do anything to diminish the intensity of their feelings.

All the teens will have their unique drama--whether with failed exemplary parents, clumsy self-discovery, or glorious heartbreak--and they will cling to their friendships to get through it all. They'll find relief by going to raves, secrecy, and rebellion. Careless and carefree, they are timeless teenage renegades on the search for meaning and identity.