Cassidy & Erica (Being Erica) – Season 1, Episode 9 – Part 3/3

From: Jidic

Erica explores her feelings for Ryan by reliving a love affair from her university days.

Cassidy Holland, a lesbian graduate student who was a close friend of Erica's in university. The end of their friendship, after Erica rejected a sexual encounter with Cassidy, is one of the regrets Erica goes back to change; in her session, she accepts Cassidy's advance but finds that the decision serves only to reconfirm her heterosexuality. Ultimately, Erica learns that the end of their friendship came not because she chose not to have sex with Cassidy, but because she felt too awkward to talk to Cassidy about it afterward; doing so in her session, she then returns to a new present in which she and Cassidy did remain in touch after Cassidy moved to England for her post-doctoral work, and Cassidy subsequently returns for a visit during Pride Week.