The love story between Callie and Arizona from the lesbian inclusive television series ‘Grey’s Anatomy’
Beautiful fan video dedicated to Callie and Arizona from the lesbian inclusive television series ‘Grey’s Anatomy’
A fan video dedicated to Callie and Arizona from the lesbian inclusive television series ‘Grey’s Anatomy’
From: Unicorn Heda
From: capshawspaltrow x
From: CalzonaDays
[youtube Xb_b6HmNCug nolink] From: zombiesatemyhampster
From: mernthefern21
From: xXxjenny26xX
From: Sense Vauseman
From: xxnete
From: Calzona L
From: gomibako12
From: rockrs04
From: ThePrihodko
From: GreysAnatomyLover94
From: Gleek Slnr
From: robbinstorres1
From: dancing bones
From: TheJCappers
From: pepsilhdp1
From: MariaCallizonaFAN
From: thatmagicsmile
From: swan queen
From: Norah Sams
From: Tanja B
From: CalliopeRobbins
From: Alejandra Mendoza
From: MollyPrewittWeasley
From: Calliope Robbins
From: myran1990
From: Rackfan1
From: chocolatcherry19
From: Gleek13Quintana
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